Advent is the four weeks leading up to Christmas Day—a time of preparation to celebrate the birth of Jesus, also known as Christ Mass. It is a period of prayer and meditation on the promises and prophecies of the Old Testament, as well as an expectation of the New Testament promise that Christ will come again. Hallelujah!
God foretold that the Son of the woman would bruise the serpent’s head. Other prophecies declared that a virgin would bear a child named Emmanuel, meaning “God with us.” Jesus came to set the captives free, to seek and save the lost, and to destroy the works of the Devil. These events stem from the actions of Adam, Eve, and the serpent. For our discussion, we will focus specifically on Eve’s role.
Our story begins in Genesis chapters 2-3, which recounts the actions of our first family—God, Adam, and Eve. God said, “It is not good for man to be alone,” so He created a woman, a helper suitable for him. Adam named her Eve, meaning “the mother of all living.”
God created a paradise called the Garden of Eden, where He placed man and commanded Adam not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, warning that he would surely die if he did. Later, the Garden became the home of Eve, the first bride, and her husband. It was a sacred place filled with love and happiness for the first family, where they could worship God and enjoy each other forever. However, where there is peace and harmony, chaos often lurks nearby.
I believe God expects us to desire Him for who He truly is. Therefore, He created humans with the ability to choose between good and evil. This conscious decision-making opportunity arose during Eve’s encounter with the talking serpent. It is important to note that information always seeks engagement. Although the serpent challenged God’s word, Eve misrepresented it. She chose to engage with the serpent and willingly ate the forbidden fruit, giving some to her husband. Rather than resisting the serpent, she actively participated in humanity’s fall and played a significant role in the original sin.
However, Eve’s story, like yours and mine, does not end with human autonomy or the catastrophic consequences of her role in the fall from grace. God’s love surpasses human weaknesses, as demonstrated by how He addressed the issues arising from their actions. God punished both Adam and Eve for their disobedience. Yet they did not die physically, He also cursed the talking serpent.
Unlike God, our words and actions can damage those we love. Eve had no idea how significant her role would be in the first Advent, the coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The consequences of her actions highlight the need for a Universal Savior. Adam and Eve used fig leaves to cover their nakedness, which only served to reveal human inadequacy apart from God. God provided them with better garments made from animal skins, signifying the Sacrificial Blood Covenant of atonement and foreshadowing Jesus’s life sacrifice on the Cross. Further, under the New Covenant, we must be clothes with Christ rather than relying on our good works.
In summary, Eve’s past actions and God’s unwavering love—along with the promise that the woman would bear a son to crush the serpent’s head—are crucial to the First Advent. The coming of Jesus, His death, and resurrection serve as sufficient payment for the results of original sin. Eve’s part in our story is monumental, not minuscule, in its implication. Her story teaches us that our misguided actions do not diminish our value to God. He chose to die to save her despite her mistakes, turning what the enemy intended for evil into our good and His glory. Regardless of our flawed nature, God created us for good works.
Ladies, since we are God’s masterpiece, and our bodies are the Temple of the Holy Spirit, let us begin this Advent season by learning from Eve. Be mindful of who you engage with during this time. Social interactions on the Internet can be dangerous; remember, information always seeks engagement. Instead, connect with known friends and family members from your local church, home, and community.
Pray for every woman who is a bride, wife, mother, or grandmother; like Eve, you are precious to God and hold an unprecedented role in the Advent story. Prepare your heart, family, and community for the Savior’s arrival. Consider fasting, meditating on biblical narratives, and committing to becoming a Woman of the Word—WOW.
Regarding practical matters, before going shopping, pray and create a list. Budget wisely. Remember, Jesus is the true reason for the season. Share the story of Advent with others—spread the good news with joy in anticipation of Christ’s return.
This Advent season, let us commit to be faithful stewards of our words and actions as we reflect God’s grace and mercy to others until His return. Since we are the beneficiaries of His mercy, we should also be instruments of His praise. Let your light of hope, peace, joy, and love shine brightly during this holy season of anticipation for Christ’s return. Remember, God has given us a reason to rejoice.